welcome to my little blog/diary. Here I am simply going to talk about my day to day
life and yap about the things I like. Please don't judge and if you don't like it, don't read it!
Mood: sad/tired
idk why, but lately I've been feeling very unmotivated and I haven't been able to move forward with the site and that makes me really sad. I will update my site again when I recover, ily guys!!
Mood: okay
So far it hasn't been a good or bad day. Today has been a very cold day and I didn't bring warm enough clothes to school and I was freezing almost every class.
Then I had PE (I'm very bad at any type of physical activity) I fell and hit myself several times but I'm fine
In a few hours I will have drama classes. I really like acting a lot so it makes me very happy, plus I have memorized all my lines.
I am currently reading Winter written by Marissa Meyer, I like dystopian books from the 2010's so I am loving this whole series with all my heart.
Obviously my favorite characters are Cinder, Iko and Cress. I don't have any more books in my library that I haven't read yet, so I think I'll reread the entire Percy Jackson series.
Hello, webtraveler!

Enjoy your stay here!!
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